Friday 31 March 2017

'S' is the super letter of the week

Our letter of the week was 'S'. There were some super, sensational projects today!

Can you guess who our superhero is? 

You're right - it's Evie! Evie told us all about Batgirl.

Samuel and Louis worked together to present some information all about Sand Tiger Sharks. Great pictures and diagrams boys!

Tom told us all about the Scouts. They sound like they do a lot of amazing activities.

Otis taught us some important information about soccer. His favourite player is Lionel Messi.

Zahra taught us about snails and the solar system.

Ewan baked some delicious sultana biscuits from a GSNS cookbook.

Anna shared some information about snakes and showed us some of the amazing sewing that she had done.

Milly told us some more interesting facts about snakes.

And Sam presented some information about one of the most important 's' words - SAM!

Thursday 30 March 2017

Problem Solved!

Each week we complete a problem-solving activity as part of our math rotation. This week we had a toothpick puzzle to complete. We talked about perseverance and trying new ideas if the first one didn't work. Look at the different solutions that we came up with.

Our problem ...

Some of the solutions ...

Well done Eyimofe, Dominic and Jordan. Your answers were awesome!

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Our assembly is coming up!

Breaking news!  Room 9 will present their assembly on Friday the 7th of April.
We will be sharing our art, presenting a dance, and showing you some of the things we have been doing in our class over the term. We look forward to seeing you there!

Elective Helpers

Dear Parents,

Do you have a strength? Something that you are good at, or are passionate about? Something that you would enjoying share with others? This is a great opportunity for you!

We are looking for some parents that would be willing to take a small group as part of the electives programme on a Friday (between 11.30 - 12.30) during Term 2.

In order to provide our students with lots of interesting learning activities, we would love a number of parents (or grandparents) to support our programme. If you would like to volunteer and take an elective, could you please fill in the form that your child brought home in their book bag today and return it to school by Friday the 7th of April.

Your support would be greatly appreciated!

Messages from our writing buddies

Today we got a special parcel, delivered by the couriers, all the way from Tauranga. We were super excited to see the messages inside, as they were postcards from our buddy writing class.  We put the back of the postcards together, and they spelt out a message, ' Talk with people who help you see the world differently'. We enjoyed reading the messages from our buddies. We hope to keep in touch with them in the future.

Monday 27 March 2017

Exciting news during Monday sharing

During our Monday news sharing, Milly told us that she got her first stripe (a yellow one) on her Jiu-Jitsu belt. Great work Milly!

Last year Hannah created an artwork based on a well-known New Zealand artist (Reuben Paterson),  as part of her Strength Goal. On Friday, she got to met him.  Hannah showed him her artwork and he signed a special message to her. Isn't that awesome!

Friday 24 March 2017

A new addition to the band

This afternoon, Sam joined Dr Galloway's assembly band for the first time. Can you spot Sam in the photo?

Well done Eyimofe!

Eyimofe received the Principal's award at this week's assembly. Awesome work Eyimofe!

Monday 20 March 2017

Friday 17 March 2017

Happy St Patrick's Day

Lexi brought a funny hat to school to celebrate St Patrick's Day today.  We discussed why St Patrick's day is celebrated in New Zealand (the Early Settlers). We found out many of us had Irish ancestors.

M for Marvellous!

Our homework letter of the week was...

Louis taught us about a very expensive car called a Maserati.

Evie taught us about monkeys and made a monkey enclosure. 

Luca taught us about megamouth sharks. He even made a model shark out of paper!

Adrian taught us about magnets.

Zahra taught us all about meerkats.

Ewan taught us all about milk and cows - we all had a milk break at the same time!

Tom taught us all about an extinct prehistoric creature called a mammoth.

Dominic played us some music (Twinkle, twinkle little star) on his recorder.

Lucy taught us all about our native owl, the Morepork.

And we had some amazing treats. 

Milly taught us about the marshmallow plant, and the things that marshmallow was used for - did you know it was used as a medicine? She even made a house out of marshmallows.

Eva made chocolate chip muffins. She had some help as well from her brother Luka.

And Anna made some banana chocolate chip muffins. 

We really enjoyed all of our treats - they were delicious!

Your teacher is very proud of you all Room 9 - there was some outstanding homework this week. I can see the great amount of 'effort' that you used! (Thank you parents for your support!)

Thursday 16 March 2017


Today we had a visit from Ben Matulino and some of the warriors crew.

They taught us some important facts about well-being. (Things like getting a good amount of sleep and drinking water often, instead of sugary drinks).  We enjoyed the visit a lot. We hope that the Warriors do well at their game on Friday night!

Milly got to go up on stage!

Some of our class also won some awesome prizes by answering questions. And lots of us managed to get autographs too!

Monday 13 March 2017

Science Magic

Today we had a visit from the scientists in 'Science in a Van'.  They taught us about 'Forces and Motion'. We got to see some huge bubbles, created mixtures and watched the reactions that they caused.